Win – Win

I will admit that it has come to a point where there are certain people that I need to let out of my life. Negative people only make me negative. I remember the saying birds of a feather flock together. As I get older I see that is so true. People that aren’t trying to grow and become more than what they are it’s time for me to let them go. I understand some people aren’t ready to be better. At the same time I am and I respect myself enough to let them go.

I remember when I started to come to this conclusion that I felt that maybe I was being uppity by saying that certain people aren’t on my level.

However I know now that I am not being uppity I am being real. I have learned that when you keep certain types of people in your life you never grow, with that being said think about it when you keep positive people in your life you’re what positive. When you have negative people in your life it’s hard for you to be positive because you’re with negative people.

Therefore I am at a point where I have to let those people go. I don’t feel that I owe them any explanation as to why I am doing what I’m doing because what I am doing I am doing it for me. Yes there will be a lot less people in my life for right now however as time goes on it leaves me open to meet more positive people. Therefore in the end it’s a win-win for me.

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