Social Media Has Made Common Courtesy Obsolete.

There was a time when someone would get married you would receive the invitation in the mail. If someone was having a birthday you would send him/her a birthday card. If someone was having a baby and they are having a baby shower they would send out invitations. However, it does not seem to be the case with today’s social media. With social media people just post whatever they want to post. It could be a wedding, a birth, death, a birthday, a graduation, it doesn’t really matter. The thing is if you’re someone who does not go on to any of these social media sites, you would never know anything. Then people will think that you’re rude because you didn’t tell them congratulations or I’m sorry for your loss. To be honest I think social media has made us lazy, as well as it has taken jobs away from people.

Think about it when you don’t take the time to send someone an invitation or birthday card. This affects the United States Postal Service; when they are not selling stamps there is less mail going out therefore, they need fewer people. Same thing when it comes down to the companies that make invitations and cards. Fewer people are being employed because they don’t have to work at the printing company in order to make cards and envelopes to send out. I think that this is also being inconsiderate. I say this because people are not taking the time to send someone something personal, they post it on social media for everyone to see whoever, sees it, sees it. At the same time, I think that people are cutting themselves short because if no one knows about their special event let’s say a wedding, not that many people who will show up which will cut down on the amount of gifts that they will get. Why because they were too lazy and they decided to post it one time on social media. Think about your actions because you’re not only cutting yourself short without getting gifts at the same time you’re taking jobs away from people that need them.

Heather J

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