Just Listen

I don’t know why but I woke up today and did something I never thought I would ever do. 

I woke up with the urge to want to write and listen to music. 

Not just any music I wanted to hear the old stuff. 

I woke with the urge to get my Beethoven on. 


I said it to get my Beethoven on. 

With everything going on in the world I guess I just wanted to go back way back to a time where there was hard times but not like this.

I know life is never perfect. 

I know things happen and I think I just wanted to relax and chill for an hour and just feel free. 

The best way to explain it would be like coming home after being in the ice cold rain. 

Then you get home and you feel safe and you can dry off and sit in front of a nice fire. 

Play some Beethoven Moonlight Sonata. 

Then watch the fire dance to the music.

You don’t have to think about any thing.

Just sit no worries about what tomorrow will bring. No worries about what bills need to be paid. No worries about the floors that need to be clean. No worries about the clothes that are in the dryer that needs to be put up. No worries about anything at all because your just there, in your happy place right where you want to be.

That’s how I wanted to feel I guess. 

Well I know that’s how I wanted to feel.

When you take the time to think about how amazing it is that 1 man can write music that makes you feel so much with no words.

When I listen to him it’s like with each note he is taking away my hidden pain and fears. It’s like he knows how to pick through the good and rip out the bad. If you don’t know take about 5minutes and find a quiet spot and listen to Ludwig van Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata.

You might be like girl I am not about to listen to that.

Just try it because you never know you just might like it. It could be your next guilty pleasure

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