Might as Well

wp-16064013286116265496380944467981.jpgWhy is that when I feel like I am close to having the happiness that I crave, I get bitched slapped in the face?

I was once told 2 steps forward and one step back.

When take my 2 steps forward I take a backward leap off the cliff.

Then somehow turn around in midair and face plant in cow dung.

Don’t even bother asking how I did it, just know I did it.

Then when I get up I will do like I always do.

I will  wash the poo poo off my face and just keep going.

Why you may ask,

Well why not? 

Who wants to walk around with poo poo on their face.

Don’t get me wrong.

I  sometimes wonder what’s the point?

I am going to fall off the cliff again anyway.

Plus the fact that if I don’t keep falling I will never know the right way to land.

Try Try again they always say. 

So I will Try Try again but I will do it with a little Pizzas!!!! 

 I figured you only live once…


So next time I fall ( because we all know there is always a next time) I will try to fall off the cliff sideways and do a double summersault in  to the pile of poo poo.

I mean if I am going to constantly fall I might as well do it with style.

Heather J

wp-16064013286116265496380944467981.jpgWhy is that when I feel like I am close to having the happiness that I crave, I get bitched slapped in the face?

I was once told 2 steps forward and one step back.

When take my 2 steps forward I take a backward leap off the cliff.

Then somehow turn around in midair and face plant in cow dung.

Don’t even bother asking how I did it, just know I did it.

Then when I get up I will do like I always do.

I will  wash the poo poo off my face and just keep going.

Why you may ask,

Well why not? 

Who wants to walk around with poo poo on their face.

Don’t get me wrong.

I  sometimes wonder what’s the point?

I am going to fall off the cliff again anyway.

Plus the fact that if I don’t keep falling I will never know the right way to land.

Try Try again they always say. 

So I will Try Try again but I will do it with a little Pizzas!!!! 

 I figured you only live once…


So next time I fall ( because we all know there is always a next time) I will try to fall off the cliff sideways and do a double summersault in  to the pile of poo poo.

I mean if I am going to constantly fall I might as well do it with style.

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