When I look at the road before me.

I know that there is a great journey ahead, However at this time I am at a crossroad.

I am truly not sure if I should go left or right.

One thing I do know for sure is that either way I go it's going to be difficult.

Unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball that will give me the answers to all of my questions.

For some strange reason I can't even find my magic eight ball.

Even if I could find it it'll probably say come back and try later.

Then will that leave me at the same place that I am right now. I know in my heart of hearts I need to make a change, and I know it's going to be a very difficult change.

It's not going to be easy, but whoever said life was easy.

Life is a bunch of lessons and challenges that we all have to overcome.

Some of us choose to sit back and do nothing while, others decide to jump in head first and whatever happens happens.

However I happened to be one of those people that just want to put my Pinky toe in the water and see what it's like.

This will give me a chance to see if I want to go left or if I want to go right.

Even after all of this writing I still don't know what I want to do.

Should I go left into the land of uncertainty?


Should I go right into the land of uncertainty.?

Looks like either way,

I have a 50/50% chance of being,



Heather J

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